Joyea’s services are offered individually or combined, depending on your needs. Many of her services are offered over the phone, while others are best in person. If you have specific questions, please Contact Joyea HERE!

All readings are done live and recorded with Zoom so that your may refer to them as you need or as you have time.

Angel Readings

(70-120 minutes, $150) Each of us have Guardian Angels who have been with us since our soul’s inception. The purpose of our Angelic Overseers is to provide guidance that offers clarity, awareness and true resolution to challenges.  They are powerful Messengers of Light who are devoted to our well-being, especially during times of transition, healing and expansion.  They are here to help, inspire and support us with every aspect of our life.

In an Angel Reading, you will connect with your Angels and receive answers to your questions and true blessings of grace and hope. I never know exactly how long each reading will be because so much depends on what information your Angels have specifically for you. You are welcome to record your reading so you can relax and receive the many blessings, specific guidance, and healing the Angels have for you.

Angelic Life Coaching

(60 minutes, $150) After receiving an Angel Reading, many awarenesses are revealed and can often require additional guidance. Through these private coaching sessions, you are supported with your individual growth process, your spiritual path and living your life purpose. You connect with the loving energies of the Angels through guided meditation and receive the blessings of inspiration, peace and Grace. The Angels help everyone who calls upon Them, no matter what. They are on higher frequency wave-lengths than we are and through guided meditation, you will experience your Angels’ presence, connect with Their Light and immediately receive loving guidance from these Divine Messengers. 

Connect with the loving energies of the Angels through guided meditation and receive the blessings of inspiration, peace and Grace. The Angels help everyone who calls upon Them, no matter what. They are on higher frequency wave-lengths than we are and through guided meditation, you will experience your Angels’ presence, connect with Their Light and immediately receive loving guidance from these Divine Messengers. Angelic Guided Meditations are offered both via teleconference and in person.

Through Angelic Life Coaching, you may discover your own unique personality characteristics utilizing the Myers-Briggs type indicator to help you identify the best career fit for your personality style. This powerful profiling tool provides you with the knowledge to focus on your natural skills, talents and abilities creating fulfillment with your life’s work. By understanding how we present ourselves in the world, we connect to the Spirit of who we are, to the Divinity of our Soul and live our own unique expression.

Angelic Healing Touch Sessions (In Person)

(60 minutes, $125) Physical touch radiating the healing energies of the Archangels.  This powerful energy releases blocked areas of pain or discomfort while restoring balance and well-being within the body. 

Chakra Realignment

(60-120 minutes, $125) Align and attune with the Angels’ pure light to source and support you. Connect to the functions of the chakras and clear obstacles in these energy centers of the body that creates healing and an awakening of your spiritual gifts.

Short Readings

(30 minutes, $60 or 45 minutes, $90) Shorter readings are also provided if you would like specific answers to 1 or 2 questions. Please constact Joyea if this is something that fits your need.