Joyea, an ordained Angelic Minister, offers Blessings, Ceremonies and Channeled Messages from the Angels in a variety of day-long, weekend and special event services. If you have specific questions, please Contact Joyea HERE!

Weddings and Ceremonies

Joyea is an Ordained Minister of The Universal Church (non-denominational). She is an Angelic Ambassador who shares her connection to the Angelic Realm, providing a special blessing. Joyea conducts wedding ceremonies designed to enhance intimacy, soul partnership and sacred love. You can co-create your ceremony with Joyea, so your wedding will be more fulfilling and meaningful for you and your guests, making your dreams come true. Joyea specializes in:

  • Inspiring ceremonies tailored specifically for your relationship and spoken as a worthy message for all your guests.
  • Supporting the couple to author writing their own heartfelt vows to exchange during the ceremony.
  • Wonderful and uplifting music to enhance the ceremony.
  • Pre-wedding and post-wedding life coaching to help insure the couples long term happiness and success.
  • Ceremonies to renew vows for married couples interested in revitalizing and deepening their marriage.

Angel Attunements

Sponsored by Archangel Gabriel, who promises to personally assist you to let go of what hasn’t worked and what hasn’t served you and to help you attune to your highest purpose. Assisted by the Angels, you will be living your life in conscious co-creation with the highest light and energy of Spirit in a way that is tangible, touching, and inspiring to all. Presented in a series of gatherings or as a weekend retreat.

Angel Gatherings

Let yourself be nurtured in the light of the Angels as you are soothed, comforted and tendered in Their love. Learn how to integrate the Angelic Presences into your everyday life with practical steps and tools that allow you to create a true partnership with your Angels. See yourself thru your Angels eyes and be empowered to express your true essence…the gift of Love and Light you bring to this world.

One Day Angel Playshops

In a fun, lighthearted and transformative environment the Angels help us identify and release our heart wounds and core issues so that  we are free to express our authentic, powerful nature. We become partners with these Divine Agents in a wonderful adventure of inspiration, co-creation and manifestation.